Cocos2d-x-2.2.2 version has introduced new project template based on XAML and C++ Component for Windows Phone 8 platform which allows you to develop games with C# and C++ mixed. You can use XAML components using this template but it's missing BACK key event handling which is primary key for Windows Phone application navigation. However there is a work around which allows you to handle BACK key in your C++ Component based game.
Open CocosRenderer.cpp and change the OnBackKeyPress() method as following:
bool Cocos2dRenderer::OnBackKeyPress()
//return false;
return true;
You can override virtual void keyBackClicked(); method in your Game Layer and handle back key event.
Open CocosRenderer.cpp and change the OnBackKeyPress() method as following:
bool Cocos2dRenderer::OnBackKeyPress()
//return false;
return true;
You can override virtual void keyBackClicked(); method in your Game Layer and handle back key event.